A lady knight who, as a consequence of wielding the Hammer of Ruin, suffers the 'Curse of Oozing Hands'.Leader skill: Power of the Accursed
Active skill: Curse of Destruction (inflicts Confusion)
Voice (chaining) - Voice transcript

★4 (wiki): Even if she cleans her hands, after a set amount of time passes, she'll return to her cursed state.> "My name is Mappela. I’m pleased to meet y… actually, let’s save the handshake for later."
> "I’ve gone ahead and washed my hands, so it’s fine to touch them now. Please, no need to hold back!"
> "Getting bashed in the legs by my hammer would really hurt! ...I would know, having it slip out of my hands so often."

★5 (wiki): Because of the curse, she's gained a reputation as a rather clumsy girl.> "Hnyuh... To begin with, this hammer's already pretty heavy by itself..."
> "Hawawah... I accidentally wiped my hands all over Mr. Eldur's cape..."
> "Lately, it feels like the floor around my feet has started getting slippery too..."

★6 (wiki): Since the ooze has spread to the area at her feet, there are now times in which it causes others to slip and fall.> "When I raised my hammer up, I accidentally sent it flying..."
> "Now, I only need to wait a little bit to converge it all together!"
> "Having trouble with a Quest? Mappela will lend you a hand!"

★7 (wiki): Owing to her slippery momentum, when she swings for a overhead strike, absolutely nobody can stop her.> "Hahyii!? The hammer slipped out of my fingers and it ended up splitting the ground into two halves!"
> "Ah... if I just slide well enough, I might be able to make it anywhere I want in one straight go!"
> "Even when I trip up really badly, Dame Hilda always laughs it off and forgives me!"


The reigning sovereign of a certain kingdom who, as a consequence of wielding the Cane of Arrogance, suffers the "Curse of Perceiving Others As Crows".Leader skill: Power of the Accursed King
Active skill: Curse of Arrogance (inflicts Feigned)
Voice (chaining) - Voice transcript
Alts: Crowlas ver. Jujutsu High

★6 (wiki): Those who suffer from curses retain their original forms in his eyes, though this fact seems to displease him.> "Is my curse cumbersome, you ask? Far from it. To see my subjects as my beloved crows is a dream come true."
> "Come now, we must quickly find a way to break everyone's curses and create the crow kingdom I've always dreamed of... Hehehe."
> "Halt! You there... Are you suffering from a curse? Be at ease — we shall search for the means to undo it, together!!"

★7 (wiki): While he is an accomplished king, his extraordinary love of crows and spontaneous nature leave a stronger impression...?> "The way you wield your power is excellent, little crow! You would provide a fine match against my country's knights."
> "In order to understand others better, I shall not neglect my research into curses... Smiles are the best, for crows and humans alike."
> "You want to go on a quest? I'm rather preoccupied... Hm? I can pet you as much as I'd like afterwards?! I suppose I can make an exception..."



A knight who, as a consequence of being afflicted with the 'Curse of Insect Noises Ringing in the Ears Whenever Sleepiness Approaches', has become completely incapable of falling asleep.Leader skill: Accursed Sleepiness
Active skill: Soviel Fliegt

★6 (wiki): His circumstances appear to be a bit unusual, but could that be why this feels different from his usual High Tension?> "I seem like a completely different person, do I? Hehehehehe... I wonder how right that is...?"
> "Come on, let me show you my true power..."
> "You say it's almost dreamlike how strong I am now? How interesting that you'd say a thing like that..."

★7 (wiki): Because of his drastically unusual circumstances, he seems to have developed a somewhat weird air of smug superiority?> "This limitless energy... hehe, hehehehe..."
> "You're free to come and taste as much of my power... as you want..."
> "Every bit of this is exactly like I dreamed it would be..."


A swordswoman who, as a consequence of wielding the Blade of Mirth, suffers the 'Curse of Perpetual Ever-Impending Laughter'.Leader skill: Accursed Knight of the Moon
Active skill: Moonlight Sword Dance

★4 (wiki): Perhaps because of her serious personality, or because of the curse, even if she changes how she looks, she won't let go of the sword that serves as proof of her knighthood.> "Moon-viewing attire, huh... pff... Well, this sure looks like it fits the bill. Just imagine me dancing in this thing... hehehe."
> "Looking at the moon and opening my heart like this, it feels like the curse might be letting up a little bit too... heheh... dangit, I'm still laughing!"
> "Hehe... it's fun going out moon-viewing with everyone else. All the other cursed knights, the King, and... some rabbits, I guess?"

★5 (wiki): With the light of the moon shining down on her, she's gotten an urge to try and dance.> "I went to all this trouble to teach you the moon-viewing dance, now try it out for yourself... hehehehe, ahahahaha!"
> "Dancing with dango in your hands, this moon-viewing is right-on! Now allow me to add a bit more Bang... pff... ahahahaha!"
> "I can't help but laugh whenever I start dancing, but it's better than getting angry, right...? Hehe!"

★6 (wiki): After declaring that 'If I'm gonna dance, I should dance like a knight', her ensuing sword-dance was surprisingly popular with the rabbits...?> "If you're gonna be dancing with swords, you need training and discipline, but... heheh... it's kinda hard to do when you're laughing the whole time."
> "I had someone tell me 'Rabbits came here from the moon, pyon★', but is that true? Khehe... that'd be hilarious if it was!"
> "You wanna join in the dancing too, little rabbits? Hehe... go on then, dance your hearts out! Ahaha!"

★5 material (wiki): It is said that if you hold this fan on the night of the harvest moon, a miracle will occur. What exactly that miracle entails, none know for sure.> "(A cute fan with a rabbit drawn on it.)"
> "(A design perfect for a moonlit night.)"
> "(If you hold it while dancing, everyone's gaze will be fixed on you... Supposedly?!)"

★6 material (wiki): Mysterious rabbits that are said to know the best spots for moon gazing. It seems that very few people have actually seen them.> "(People say that they are special rabbits that only appear during the full moon.)"
> "(It looks like...they're secretly looking for someone to gaze at the beautiful moon with.)"
> "(They appear to be drawn to people that are dancing around happily.)"


The reigning sovereign of a certain kingdom who, as a consequence of wielding the Cane of Arrogance, suffers the "Curse of Perceiving Others As Crows".Leader skill: The Kingly Puyojustu Sorcerer
Active skill: Shikigami: Crow

★6 (wiki): He may be of help in exorcising curses since those who are cursed appear in their original form to him.> "A school specializing in the art of cursed techniques...? If I were to study there... Perhaps breaking the curses of my knights would be possible."
> "How do I look? This pose bears the visage of a crow with its wings stretched in flight, doesn't it?"
> "Is it really possible to call upon crows using cursed techniques!? ...Would you happen to be able to teach me how to do that?!"

★7 (wiki): In order to fulfill his wish of seeing each and every one of his subjects as a crow, he continues his research on lifting curses.> "I lack training in curse-based combat, but if you happen to call, I will lend you all of my strength!"
> "It's a surprise that the research I've conducted on curses would prove useful to those who fight with them."
> "It seems that... there are far more people afflicted with curses than I initially anticipated..."


A knight who, as a consequence of wielding the Broadsword of Despair, suffers the "Curse of Attaching 'Pyon★' To the End of Every Sentence".Leader skill: Pyon-less Accursed Knight
Active skill: Curse of the Rabbit!?
Translations on this page were done by Martin and edited by myself.

★5 (wiki): A magic potion’s effect successfully freed him of his curse, but... It also happened to turn him into a rabbit.> And just when I thought things had gone back to normal… Won’t this make it even harder to be popular?!
> Hey, babe, up for some tea with m… Wait, where are you going?! …Man, even with my curse broken, it's like nothing’s changed at all…
> This form I’ve taken definitely isn't your typical rabbit, yet it feels oddly familiar for me… Isn't that weird?

★6 (wiki): The magic potion’s effects seem to be wearing off, as all that remains of his previous rabbit form is his head?!> Hmm… I feel a bit quicker on my feet now, which is great and all, but… I've just ended up looking even more ridiculous…
> Being a chick magnet is my number one priority, but I guess being able to put a smile on everyone’s faces ain't so bad either.
> This might just be my chance! Instead of settling with just coolness, maybe I can get started on the path of cuteness, too...?!

★7 (wiki): The magic potion’s effect has completely worn off. He’s returned to his original form, but his curse has returned as well, so he’s got some mixed feelings about it all.> "Was that a sigh of relief? …Pyon★ Didja really miss me that much? Pyon★"
> "How’s the new and improved Friede? These clothes make me quite the looker, don’t they? Pyon★"
> "I may not be in rabbit form anymore, but I'd still love to be the one to make you happy… Kidding, kidding! Pyon★"

★6 material (wiki): A mysterious object that looks like a rabbit’s head. It’s got a strange aura, but it’s considered as “a lucky charm that will bring happiness to all"… apparently?> (If we’re being honest, it’s not cute at all. It’s looking at you funny…)
> (If you put it on, you might be able to understand how a rabbit feels.)
> (It’s impossible to articulate the intensity of the impression it leaves...)